24 July 2024

  Site is set to read-only. Peach/Hansman tree uploaded & available.
   Note: Living persons are not "Read" accessible.

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The Family Genealogist

Genealogy is not just a hobby; it is an adventure. What can I find? What did they do? What history did they see and experience? It is more than birth/death/marriage facts. It's putting flesh on their bones and bringing them to life. Genealogy research is always a work in progress. I began in October 1998 and found my first brick wall within three weeks. I've been hooked ever since. Abraham Coffman Family

Abraham Coffman Family

Abraham Coffman is the progenitor of the Coffman branch. Born in the Colony of Virginia between 1760-1770, he migrated with his family to Hardin County, Kentucky in approximately 1804. Very little has been found about his life prior to Kentucky other than the names and birthdates of his children. He was my first brick wall. Bless him, he still is.

The picture is of Alfred Thomas Coffman, one of Abraham Coffman's grandsons and is the oldest image known of Abraham's direct descendent male. A comparison page is planned with pictures of my paternal direct descendants from my father to my great-grandfather.

There were at least 13 Abraham Coffman's of various surname spellings in his time period. That's right! 13! Years of research available via the Researching Abraham button.

Researching Abraham

Reuben Livingston Family

No pictures of my grandfather, great-grandfather, or great-great-grandfather Livingston exist. Reuben Livingston, born in 1812 in Jessamine County, Kentucky, is the oldest "verified" in my maternal line. He married Rachel McCollum on 13 Sep 1832 in Posey County, Indiana. Their third child was born in Missouri in 1835 as was their son, Hugh, my great-grandfather. By 1848 they had moved to Illinois, probably to Fulton County. Reuben died in 1880 in Illinois.

The picture is representative of how he might have looked, but it came with the template for this site. If you have any pictures of the Hugh Livingston or William McCule Livingstin, no matter the condition, please share them with me. I have no idea what these men looked like.

Researching Livingstons


Spotlight on Family

Family & Research Photos

Spotlight on People & Places

Hard at Work!!!!!

GEDCOM from FTM dumped most of images, HTML files, etc. into photos so 3,585 are being reviewed and correctly assigned. The count now is @1,200. The Peach/Hansman tree needs cleanup in FTM, then moved into this site with the same kind of cleanup applied. ~ Updated: 4/22/2023

Clevenger's were Quakers

The Clevengers were Quakers when they migrated to Randolph County, Indiana. An Abram Clevinger [stet] was among the first to arrive in 1828. Research is focused on William Thomas Clevenger and his parents. A research page is in development on Which Clevenger Is Which. A button will appear below when available.


The TRAVIS surname is well-known to Jamestown researchers as one of the founders. John TRAVIS was born 15 Mar 1768 in the Colony of Virginia, Colonial America and died in 1853 in Virginia. Many believe his father was Colonel Champion Travis but thus far I have not found documentation proving that parentage.

Stowaways from Germany

The family story: the PIETSCH brothers stowed away and then traveled by wagon train from the East Coast to Texas. It just might be true. I have found NO ONE by their names or derivatives on any ship. One stayed with the surname PIETSCH; the other eventually became PEACH.

Was my g-g-grandfather *really* born near Paris?

Peter Miller's birth country has been listed as France and Bavaria in censuses. Bavaria has been French and German so it seemed logical that he was born in Bavaria. Last night, Oct 30th, I found his obituary for the first time. Newspapers added to Newspapers.com. The opening sentence: "Peter Miller was born near Paris, France, on the 12th day of April 1827 ... He came to the United States at the age of 8 years ... six children ..." Wow! Lots of fact changes and new information.

Peter Miller's obituary was written by Basil E. Sinclair, my maternal grandmother's brother. I knew Uncle Basil and remembered him. He was a postmaster, teacher, and minister in his lifetime. I tend to put more faith in his written word than in a census. Just goes to show you never know what you might find. See Peter Miller's data.


Statement will be added once this section is completed.

Coffman/Livingston Top Surnames

Peach/Hansman top surnames will be added when that GEDCOM is uploaded.

Webmaster Message

Every effort is made to document my research. If you have something you would like to add, please contact me.