Humphrey Mylam of Boston
(aka Milam/Milom/Millam)

Brother of John Mylam of Boston


October 3, 1648
John Milom (cooper) with Thomas Clarke deeds to Humphrey Milom land on N. side of Mill Creek, near Mill Bridge, and E. and W. along sd creek. (SD 1:249). On both sides of Creek near Hanover Sts. (source: Thwing Project, MHS)



Humphrey, cooper, Boston, bought land of his bro. John 7 (12) 1650. Wife Mary; ch. Mary b. 23 (3) 1652, Constancy b. I5 Dec. 1653, Sarah, incorrectly rec. "of John and Mary," b. 6 April, 1656, Abigail d. 7 May, 1659, Abigail b. Oct. 10, 1660, Hannah b. June 27, 1663, Ruth b. 26 April, 1666.



He d. in April, 1667. Will dated Feb. 14, prob. 3 May, 1667, beq. to wife Mary, ch. Mary, Constance, Sarah, Abigail and Hannah; to apprentice Nath Claddis. [Reg. XV, 326, and XVI, 56.]



January 7, 1651
John Milom (cooper) deeds to his brother Humphrey Mylom 50 sq. ft., widow Phillips N., Bartholomew Barlow S.E., William Franklin S. and N.W., Humphrey Milom S.E. (SD 1:249). W. of North St. between Mill Creek and Cross St.


April 20, 1651
Boston Town Records, 1634 to 1660
The 20th of 4th mo., 1651. At a meting of Mr. Richard Parker, Capt. Leveritt, Mr. Jerimy Houchin, Mr. Edward Ting, and Deacon Marshall.
Whereas William Frainklinhath diged in the Towne's highway at the north end of the Bridg, nere to the house of Humphery Milam, It is ordered that if the said William Frainklin doe not fill up the ground againe which he hath diged, and make good the said high way within tenn dayes next ensuing that then he is to pay twentie shillings.


May 5, 1651
Boston Town Records, 1634 to 1660
The 5th of 5th mo., 1651. At a meting of Mr. Richard Parker, Capt. Leveritt, Mr. Edward Ting, Mr. Jerimy Houchin, Deacon Marshall, and Anthony Stoddard.
William Frainklinwas ordered to fill up the place he had diged on the Towne's highway at the North end of the Bridge, nere Humphery Milam's by the 11th day of this instant mounth, upon penaltie of twentie shillings if he doe it not by that tyme



May 23, 1652
Mary of Humphrey & Mary Millam born 23rd -- 3rd month.



July 24, 1652
John Milom (cooper) with wife Christian deeds to Humphrey Milom land between Mill Creek and W. end of Humphrey's house. (SD 1:250). E. side of creek.


John Milom REMOVED from Boston. (Speculation, not a record.)

October 29, 1652
Massachusetts Bay Colony declared itself an independent commonwealth.

December 15, 1653
Constancy of Humphrey & Mary Milam born 15th Dec.


April 6, 1656
Sarah of John & Mary Milam born 6th April. (This reportedly an error: Should read Humphrey and Mary Milam)


30 Jul 1657
"Pioneers of Massachusetts" by Charles Henry Pope"
Mr. John Gore was Mary Gore's father;
Mary Gore married Humphrey Maylem/Milam/Mylame.
Recorded events in John Gore's life:
John Gore, resided in Roxbury, Mass from 18 Apr 1637.
In 23 Dec 1644, he sent letter of attorney, to Joseph Browne of Southampton, malster, to prove will of his father and to execute it for him.
His wife Rose (Rhoda) was deposed 19 May 1655, at age 45; [Suff. De. II.] John Gore's children were: John "b. in England 23 May 1634," Obediah b. 27 Jun 1636, d. 12 May 1646, Abigail [Hanna] b. 5 Aug 1641, d. 13 Apr 1642, Abigail Bapt 7 May 1643, Hannah bapt. 18 May 1645, Obediah bapt. 25 Mar 1648.
He died on 4 Jun 1657. His will was probated 30 Jul 1657 by and for wife Rosa; 5 ch.: John, Samuel, Abigail and Hannah Gore, and Mary MYLAME (this is Mary Gore, wife of Humphrey Maylem/Milam/Mylame)
John Gore owned land at Salisbury, which was deeded to his widow Rodah 20 Aug 1658.
John Gore's widow, Rose/Rhoda remarried to, John Remington; She conveyed lands 22 Mar 1662; she remarried again to Edward Porter. [Reg. VIII, 382, XXXI, 104 and 177.]


Abigail of Humphery & Mary Millam died 7th May


September 4, 1660
Humphrey Milum buys of Joseph Rocke half of warehouse. (SD 11:313). North St. between Union St. and Creek.

October 10, 1660
Abigail of Humphry & Mary Milam born Oct. 10.


June 27, 1663
Hannah of Humphrey & Mary Milum born June 27.


April 26, 1666
Ruth of Humphrey & Mary Milam born Apr. 26.


November 28, 1666/January 28, 1667
Humphrey Milom (cooper) allowed to wharf before his own land between Mill Creek and John Phillip's dock. (TR 7:33). (source: Thwing Project, MHS)


February 14, 1667
Will of Humphrey Mylam (cooper); Probate: May 3, 1667. Ex.: wife Mary. Legatees: wife Mary house and shop, children Mary, Constance, Sarah, Abigail, and Hannah when 19. ApprenticeNathaniel Claddis. (SPR 1:598). Inventory: 700.06.01. (source: Thwing Project, MHS)


April 1667
He (Humphrey, cooper, Boston) d. in April, 1667. Will dated Feb.14, prob. 3 May, 1667, beq. to wife Mary, ch. Mary, Constance, Sarah, Abigail and Hannah; to apprentice Nath Claddis. [Reg. XV, 326, and XVI, 56.]


Before 1700
NEW ENGLAND MARRIAGES Prior to 1700, by Clarence Almon Torrey
, (Copyright 1985, NEHGS Publication).

page 507:
MILLAM, Humphrey (-1667) (Capt. Thomas LAKE called "cousin") & Mary [GORE]; by 1652; Boston
MILAM, John & Christian/Ann?; by 1636; Boston

page 447:
LAKE, Thomas (1615-1676) (called "cousin"by Humphrey MILAM) & Mary [GOODYEAR] (1630-); by 1650; London/New Haven/Boston.


page 313
GORE, John (-1657) & Rhoda ______, m/2 John REMINGTON 1657+, by 1659 m/3 Edward PORTER; in Eng, b 1634; Roxbury.


GORE, John (1634-1705) & Sarah Gardner (1662-); 31 May 1683; Roxbury.

July 23, 1712
Estate of Humphrey Mylam: Constance Alcock, widow, a daughter of Humphrey Mylam (cooper), deeds to Robert Rand (joiner) 1/4 part of house and land of late father, and wharf adjoining; S.E. Anne St., S.W. Mill Creek, N.W. Hannah Mylam, single, N.E. Jos. Royall; also 1/4 of houses, etc., belonging. (SD 26:259). N.E. corner of Mill Creek and North St. (source: Thwing Project, MHS)

October 13, 1712
Estate of Humphrey Mylam: Mary Algin, with Hannah Algin and Elizabeth, spinsters, daughters of Sarah, late wife of John Algin (blacksmith), sd Sarah a daughter of Humphrey Mylam, deed to Robert Rand 1/4 part of house and land and wharf ajoining; S.E. Anne St., S.W. Mill Creek, N.W. Hannah Mylam, single, N.E. Jos. Royall; also 1/4 of houses, etc., belonging. (SD 26:260). N.E. corner of Mill Creek and North St. (source: Thwing Project, MHS)

May 2, 1735
Hannah Mylam, (single) sd Hannah daughter of Humphrey Mylam (cooper), deceased deeds to Robert Rand (joiner) 1/4 part of house and land and wharf belonging to my father; S.E. on Ann St., S.W. the Mill Creek, N.W. land of sd Rand, N.E. William Tyler, esq. (SD 52:40). North St., N.E. corner of Mill Creek. (source: Thwing Project, MHS)