HISTORY: Information given by granddaughter, Ruth Belle Sealey.She went to finishing school and was married at 25 years old. Her father was a judge and he g ave each of his children 160 acres of land. Sarah Jane sold this land after she was marrie d and they bought a covered wagon and a big team of black horses. She packed her lovely line ns, silver wear and china in the wagon and a little bit of money left from the sell of the 16 0 acres, and started out. They got the team to Scott, Kansas when one horse died. Levi sol d one big black horse and bought an oxen team and traveled on to Longton, Kansas. Etta Bell e was 4 or 5 months old. Levi's brother, Charles, age 9, also came with them. When they wer e leaving, he came crying after them because he wanted to go with them. So they turned aroun d and went back about 1/2 a mile, got his little belongins and took him with them. He live d with them until he was 13 years old. He then, worked on a farm and bought himself a pony . Charles saved 1/2 of all he earned, all of his life. He worked for Santa Fe. He was a ca rpenter later in life. He worshipped Etta Belle and said she was the prettiest girl in the w orld. He died in 1936 at the age of 78.Sarah Jane had auburn hair and was a little wirery person. Everyone called her Aunt Sallie a nd when they didn't think she could live, buggies and wagons was parked 1/2 mile long to com e and see her. She was 75.DESCRIPTION: From Joy Phifer letter, January 24, 1975:"My Grandmother, Sarah Jane was a Skidmore of Indiana. Her father was the first white chil d born in Vermillion County, Indiana and he was a curiosity. As a young man he operated a tavern for the convenience of transcontinental travels (coaches & teams). Grandma was a brid e when they came to Kansas in a covered wagon (red headed and very devout). She was quite a n influence in my life with her sweet, out-going hospitality.Her father was a judge and gave each child 160 acres of land. There were 2 brothers and I do n't know how many sisters. I know her niece painted pictures, water color and her name is Estelle Skidmore. She painted one for my mother and dated 1893 and I have picture painted of f it now.