Friday, March 28, 2025

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Family Research

Abraham Coffman in West Virginia


A potential breakthrough — and yes, I did do a ‘happy dance’ right in the Family Research Library in Salt Lake City — the FIRST in decades.

I like writing “decades” — but honestly, isn’t 21 years a looonnnnnggg time?

I’ll be creating a page with the details of the searches I did for our elusive ancestor, Abraham Coffman.

In brief, nothing on Would the Real Abraham Coffman Please Stand Up was disapproved but I did find an Abraham Coffman in Hardy County, West Virginia in the right time frame. He had to be OLD enough to be considered the head of his family and its time frame could not go beyond 1803/04. By the time he was in Hardin County, Kentucky.

Look for a page on West Virginia as well; it was not admitted to the Union until June 20, 1863. And updates to Migration Patterns on how a family would have moved from Hardy County, WV to Hardin County, KY in 1803/04.