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American Wars & Engagements Before 1900

The links provided may not be to the best resource; however, they show the variety of information on the Internet available via search. Update to column data occurs as links are found. You should do further searches, especially if an ancestor was involved in that ‘war’. If you have a good resource, please contribute by a comment to the page announcement post. Provide the link in the comment as well as the ‘war’.

Complied, expanded & modified with added links to information
War Dates Area or Location
French-Spanish 1565-1567 Florida
English-French 1613-1629 Canada
Anglo-French 1629 St. Lawrence River
Pequot War 1636-1637
New England
New Netherland
Iroquois 1642-1653 New England; Acadia
Anglo-Dutch July 1653 New Netherland
Bacon’s Rebellion 1675-1676 Virginia
King Philip’s War 1675-1676 New England
War in North 1676-1678 Maine
Culpepper’s Rebellion 1677-1680 Carolinas
Leisler’s Rebellion 1688-1691 New England
Revolution in Maryland
~ also called Protestant Revolution
1689 Maryland
Glorious Revolution 1689 New England
King William’s War 1689-1697 Canada
Queen Anne’s War 1702-1713 New England
The Tuscarora War 1711-1712 Virginia, Carolinas
War of Jenkin’s Ear 1739-1742 or 1748 Florida
King George’s 1740 Georgia & Virginia
Louisbourg 1745 New England
Battle of Fort Necessity 1754 Pennsylvania
Anglo-French 1755-1758 Canada
French & Indian 1754-1763 New England, Virginia
Siege of Quebec 1759 Canada
American Revolution 1775-1783
Chickamauga War (Cherokee) 1776–1795 Old Southwest
Battle of Wyoming Valley
~ also known as Wyoming Valley War
1782-1787 Pennsylvania
Northwest Indian War
Chickasaw, Choctaw)
1785–1793 Northwest Territory
Shay’s Rebellion Dec 1786 – Jan 1787 Massachusetts
Whiskey Insurrection
~ also called Whiskey Rebellion
(Western Pennsylvania)
Northwestern Indian 1790-1795 Ohio
War with France (Naval) 1798-1800
War with Tripoli (Naval) 1801-1805 North Coast of Africa
Burr’s Insurrection
~ also Burr’s Conspiracy
1806-1807 Southern Mississippi Valley
Chesapeake (Naval) 1807 Virginia
Northwestern Indian 1811 Indiana
Tecumseh’s War 1811 Northwest River Ohio
Florida Seminole Indian 1812 Florida (Georgia Volunteers)
War of 1812 1812-1815 Eastern & Central North America
Fort Clark 1813 Illinois
Creek Indian (Lower Creeks, Cherokee Nation & Choctaw) 1813-1814 Southern United States
Battle of New Orleans 1814 Louisana
Barbary Powers 1815 North Coast of Africa
First Seminole War 1817-1818 Pensacola, Florida
Texas-Indian wars (Comanche) 1820–1875 Texas
Lafitte’s Pirates  1817-1821 Galveston
Arickaree Indian (Rickaree)
also known as Arikara War
1823 Missouri River, Dakota Territory
Fever River Expedition against Indians 1827 Illinois
Winnebago War 1827 Wisconsin, Illinois & Michigan Territory
Sac & Fox Indian June & July 1831 Illinois
Black Hawk War 1832 Illinois & Michigan Territory
Second Seminole War 1835–1842 Florida
Toledo 1835-1836 Ohio & Michigan
Texan 1835-1836 Texas
Indian Stream 1835-1836 New Hampshire
Creek Indian 1836-1837 Georgia. & Alabama
Florida (Seminole) 1835-1842 Florida, Georgia, & Alabama
Sabine/Southwestern Indian 1836-1837 Louisiana
Cherokee 1836-1838
Osage Indian 1837 Missouri
Heatherly War
~ also known as the Heatherly Disturbance
Jul-Nov 1836 Missouri
Mormon 1838 Missouri
Aroostook War 1839 Maine
Dorr’s Rebellion 1843-1849 Rhode Island
Mormon 1844 Illinois
Mexican–American War 1846-1848 Texas, New Mexico, California & Mexico
Cayuse [Indian] War 1847-1848 or
Texas & New Mexico Indian 1849-1855
Utah Indian 1850-1853
Apache Wars (Apache, Ute & Yavapai) 1851–1900  Southwestern United States
California Indian 1851-1852
Rogue River Indian 1851, 1853, 1856 Oregon
Oregon Indian 1854 Oregon
Nicaraguan 1854-1858 Naval
Kansas Troubles 1854-1859 Kansas
Yakima Indian 1855 Local
Klamath & Salmon River Indian 1855 Oregon & Idaho
Florida Indian 1855-1858 Florida
John Brown’s Raid 1859 Harper’s Ferry, Virginia
War of Rebellion 1860-1865 General
Cheyenne 1861-1864 Local
Sioux 1862-1863 Minnesota
Indian Campaign 1865-1868 Oregon, Idaho and California
Fenian Invasion of Canada 1866 from New England
Indian Campaign 1867-1869 Kansas, Colorado & Indian Territory
Modac Indian War
~ also known as the Lava Beds War
1872-1873 Oregon
Apaches 1873 Arizona
Indian Campaigns 1874-1875 Kansas, Colorado, Texas, New Mexico & Indian Territory
Cheyenne & Sioux 1876-1877 Dakota
Nez Perce 1877 Utah
Bannock 1878 Idaho, Washington Territory & Wyoming Territory
White River War
~ also known as Ute War, Ute Campaign or Meeker Massacre
1879 Utah & Colorado
Cheyenne 1878-1879 Dakota & Montana
Spanish-American 1898-1899 Cuba
Philippine Insurrection 1899-1902 Philippine Islands

Notes from The June Maddox Collection [Nichols Library, Gadsden, AL], GenealogyTrails.com, Wikipedia.

From Google Books (all are available to download or read online).

Updated April 8th 2020 2:54 pm.

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