Tuesday, March 25, 2025


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Coffman & Livingston Cemeteries

Known Coffman & Livingston Cemeteries


Many members of the Coffman family are buried in the Laredo Cemetery, Laredo, Grundy County, Missouri. This cemetery is also called Sandbank and Richardson. Larry Flesher maintains a wonderful website on MoGenWeb.org. My great-great grandfather Harmon Coffman is buried there as well as my great grandfather Lewis Coffman, my grandfather Alva Coffman, and my father.


Members of Livingston family have been buried in the following cemeteries:

  • Campbell Cemetery in Sullivan County, Missouri. This page is a not a complete listing and does not include any of my ancestors. However, while at the Family Research Library in Salt Lake City, I found a record in the Schoene Funeral Home Register which stated they were interred in Campbell. Another book, Sullivan County, Missouri Cemetery Records Volume V, had a complete list as of 1955 and they appeared in that book as well.
  • The Miller Cemetery (no link) is a small private cemetery located four miles west of Pollock, MO on the George St. Clair Farm. The two graves that are there are my maternal great-great-grandparents (or maybe it’s great-great-great).
  • The Brackett Cemetery (no link) is located in Section 17, Township 64, route 21. It lies adjoining the north side of the John Lievasy farm, five miles east and one and one-fourth miles north of Harris, MO. The cemetery was originally part of the J.M. Tucker farm. The compiled list (found in Cemetery Inscriptions of Sullivan County, Missouri 1954 at the Family Research Center) contains maternal ancestors.
  • Wilhite Cemetery in Sullivan County, Missouri.
  • IOOF Cemetery in Grundy County, Missouri (maintained by Larry Flesher)
  • Richardson Cemetery, aka Laredo and Sandbank, in Grundy County, Missouri.
  • Other cemeteries yet unknown near Pollock and Milan in Sullivan County, Missouri.
  • A key source is the Kent Funeral Home Records. Their database includes all records generated between the founding of the funeral home in 1915 through December 31, 2003. It shows the name, birth date and death date of the deceased, along with marital status, name of the spouse (including maiden name), parents’ names and the burial cemetery. The Kent Funeral home is located in the northeast corner of Sullivan Co., Missouri near its intersection with Adair and Putnam Counties, Missouri. The cemeteries of burial are to be found in all three counties, plus a few in others.
  • The Schoene Funeral Home Register is a wealth of information but unfortunately is not on the web. If you get a ‘hit’ here, you will get a LOT of information. This book is found in the county section at the Salt Lake City Family Research Center.
    NAME: Sinclair Edith        OCCUP:         STATUS: M  (The M which means her husband  was alive at her death; W was  used if person was widowed)BORN: 12 Mar 1904, PollockINTERED: CampbellDIED: 26 Jul 1941, at home, PollockAGE: 37y 4m 14dFAT: Wm Henry Smith   BPOF: OttumwaMOT: Mary McCabe      BPOM: Sull coSPOUSE: Basil Sinclair

    Basil was my maternal grandmother’s brother.

Other Cemetery Information:

Since this page was created, people have been providing updates to FindAGrave.com. Many with pictures and information about the person. It is well worth the effort to check this site.

Maps to Sullivan County Cemeteries – Click on the cemetery of choice and a Google map appears with location. Here is a link to Sullivan County tombstone transcriptions. Also see Sullivan County MO page.

If you have ANY information on known members of family and where they are buried, please contact me
and include whether or not you have source data as well. If it is an on-line link, include it in your email and I will post here.

Page updated for this site. Content has not been
updated with new information for over three years.

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