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Epidemics re Site Ancestors

*1563–1564Bubonic plagueLondon, England1563 London plague
*1592-1593Bubonic plaugeLondon, England1592–93 London plague
*1603Bubonic plagueUnited KingdomPrimarily London
1612Bubonic plagueUnited Kingdom
*1616-1620Multiple infectionsSouthern New England, especially Wampanoag people
Unknown, possibly leptospirosis with Weil syndrome. Classic explanations include yellow feverbubonic plagueinfluenzasmallpoxchickenpoxtyphus, and syndemic infection of hepatitis B and hepatitis D
*1632-1635Bubonic plagueAugsburg, Germany
*1633-1634SmallpoxMassachusetts Bay ColonySee Massachusetts smallpox epidemic.
*1634-1640Smallpox & influenzaWyandot people, USA & Canada
*1636-1637Bubonic plagueLondon & Westminster, England
1648Whooping coughColonial America
1648SmallpoxColonial America
*1648Yellow feverCentral America & West IndiesWest Indies may be considered to be part of Central America
1662SmallpoxNew York
*1663-1664Bubonic plagueAmsterdam, Netherlands
*1665-1666Bubonic plagueEnglandSee Great Plague of London.
1662SmallpoxNew York Colony
*1668Bubonic plagueFrance
1668Yellow feverNew York Colony
*1677-1678SmallpoxMassachusetts Bay Colony
1690Yellow feverNew York colony
*1693Yellow feverBoston
*1699Yellow feverCharleston & Philadelphia
*1702Yellow feverNew York City
1702Scarlet feverBoston
1706Yellow feverSouth Carolina colony
*1713-1715Measles13 Colonies, New France & Canada
1723InfluenzaWorld wide
1723FamineUnited KingdomSeven years of poor harvest plus epidemics.
1728Yellow feverSouth Carolina Colony
1732Yellow feverSouth Carolina Colony
*1732-1733InfluenzaThirteen Colonies
*1735-1741DiphtheriaNew England, New York, New Jersey colonies
*1738-1739SmallpoxNorth Carolina Colony
*1739-1740MeaslesThirteen Colonies
1743Yellow feverNew York Colony
*1759MeaslesNorth America
*1761InfluenzaNorth America, West Indies
1762SmallpoxNorth America
*1763SmallpoxPittsburgh area
*1772MeaslesNorth America
*1788MeaslesUnited States
*1793Influenza & TyphusUnited States
*1793Yellow feverPhiladelphia
1793InfluenzaVermont & Virginia, parts of Pennsylvania
1803Yellow feverNew York
*1817-1824CholeraEurope & AsiaFirst cholera pandemic
*1820Yellow feverSavannah, Georgia
1826Dengue feverUnited States & West Indies
*1826-1837CholeraNorth America, Europe & AsiaSecond cholera pandemic
*1831-1834SmallpoxPlains Indians
1834CholeraNew York
*1837-1838SmallpoxGreat Plains, USA & Canada
*1841Yellow feverSouthern US, especially LA & FL
*1846-1860CholeraRussiaThird cholera pandemic
*1850-1852InfluenzaNorth America
*1853Yellow feverNew Orleans, LA
More will be added.

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_epidemics
No * from Rootsweb message board posted on 22 Jun 2000, printed 24 Jun 2000.