Tuesday, March 25, 2025


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4 thoughts on “Family Contact Me

  • Your site looks great but I did notice that the word “hree” appears to be spelled incorrectly. I saw a couple small issues like this. I thought you would like to know!

    In case you wanted to fix it, in the past we’ve used services from a websites like HelloSpell.com to keep our site error-free.

  • Wayne Taylor

    Hi, just reading your blog about Nancy Hanks Lincoln and Mary Weldon, I’m descended from Mary’s youngest son William Dale Weldon who named a son Pearman Weldon, Pearman is my GGGG grandfather. William Dale Weldon had a half brother named Weldon Pearman.

    Mary Hanks Weldon moved to Pittslyvania Co with her husband Jonathan and her brother Moses Hanks, her two older brothers Abraham and Luke followed their uncle Robert Dale to Pr Wm Co VA, when Robert died he left Luke Hanks 160 acres in his Will, Lukes brother Abraham died in 1784, after his death Luke sold his interest in the 160 acrea and moved to Abbeville Co SC where he was a founding member of the Turkey Creek baptist church.

    Luke Hanks III was married to Nancy Harris, he died in 1789 in Abbeville Co SC leaving behind 12 children, Mary Hanks Weldon moved with her children to Abbeville Co SC and became members of the Turkey creek baptist church.

  • Greg St Clair

    I think that we are related, there are several of my relatives Sinclair/St.Clair who were in Washington County. Have you done a DNA test?

  • Sinclair lineage is through my grandfather: Clyde Edward Sinclair 1892 (Sturgis, SD) & Lucy Keffeler 1894 (Sturgis)
    Clyde’s Parents: Henry Thomas Sinclair 5/1/1858 (Jackson, MO) & Amelia Zander 12/2/1862 (Germany)
    Tom’s Parents: John Blaine Sinclair 11/8/1819 (Allegheny CO, PA) & Arena Baker 8/30/1821 (Tyler CO, WV)
    John’s Parents: James Blair Sinclair 3/15/1797 & Sarah McMahan 1/31/1797
    ??? Stuck here. Who jumped the pond? I’m curious about the middle name for James – “Blair”. Is there a Sinclair married to a Blair giving James an honorary middle name?
    I also wonder if the father of James Blair Sinclair might have come through Nova Scotia. “Scottish settlers reconstituted clan settlements in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, after the 1754 uprising in Scotland.” wikipedia


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