Tuesday, March 25, 2025


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Family Research

Researching Dudley’s in Virginia

This is NOT the John DUDLEY (parentage a brickwall) who was married to Docia CLEVENGER. However, perhaps researching these Dudley’s in Virginia and the location, Augusta County, may lead those researching to “our” John DUDLEY’s parentage.

“VIRGINIA, At Rules held in the Clerk’s office of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery, for Augusta county, on the 4th day of June 1832. John Dudley, Plaintiff Against, George Dudley, James Dudley, William Gibson & Judy his wife,Thomas Carter and Susan his wife, Andrew Burnsides and Polly his wife, Polly Williams and others. Defendants. The Defendants Andrew Burnsides and Polly his wife, and Polly Williams not having entered their appearance and given security according to the act of Assembly and the Rules of this Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence that they are noi Inhabitants of this Country : It is ordered that the said Defendants do appear here on the first day of the next term—and answer the original and amended bills of the Plaintiff; and that a copy of this order be forthwith inserted in some newspaper published in Staunton for two months successively, and posted at the front door of the Court-house in the town of Staunton. A copy, Teste. NICH’S. C. KINNEY, c. c.”
~~ Transcribed from Staunton Spectator, Volume 9, Number 33, 20 July 1832, pg 5. [free]

DUDLEY is part of the COFFMAN lineage.