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About This Site

The Site’s History

This site grew out of two key research areas in my life—my genealogy hobby and the desire to learn more about Level 2 of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). But things have morphed through the years.

Site design used from 2003-2010.


Back in the “olden days”, if you have a desire to learn more about CSS, you would download portions of a site to study and see “how did they do that!”. This site’s original tameless design was from “Caught in the Web – Bytes of Torbay’s Past ( and was used with permission. At the time I started working with tableless design, it was THE new way. The “Torbay’s Past” was still using the same template in September 2015..

The images used in the design elements of my original site (the header, bottom scene, side pictures) are also not available for you to download and use. Please obtain permission, just as I did, from the original J.O.D.’s Old Fashioned ClipArt[1] site, which had an enormous selection of wonderful black and white images perfect for genealogy sites. The images used here were not distorted in any way. The header and the scene at the bottom of pages are made of multiple images made into a collage. The only changes applied were some images were lightened and have a glow applied to them. Unfortunately, the J.O.D. site is no longer available nor have I been able to find the images stored elsewhere.


In 2010 I took the site out of Dreamweaver templates and modified to XHTML a free WordPress (I find that rather intriguing.) which I believe was called “The Old Blog” because I fell in love with the look. And I wanted to see if I could do it. Obviously, I did.

This was a MAJOR update. However, by that time I had retired and having to stay up with all the changes to HTML & CSS slowed the update of the site tremendously. I made a decision in September of that year to maintain the site but not update it wanting to spend more time doing genealogy rather than dealing with the site.

I had been introduced to a Content Management System (CMS) in last years at work, SharePoint.


In 2011 I became the site admin for our local genealogy site which was done in Joomla (another kind CMS) & once again I threw myself into learning it. Having worked in CMS did help, BUT … I wasn’t happy working it.


In 2012 I began to learn WordPress & liked it FAR better than Joomla. By January 2013, I had begun my own genealogy help site, & You Can Too! That site has “taught” me a great deal & has allowed me to connect with our genealogists both in the United States & Europe. But it is not for family information like this one.

Also at that time I discovered TNG (The Next Generation of Genealogy Site Building) and found within what I had always wanted—the ability to share with family the portions of my data that applied to them while blocking the rest. (Ever have someone take your entire GEDCOM and post it under their name AND leave all the living people totally accessible to the public? I have.)

And of course, our genealogy society’s site runs on WordPress. Note: I am no longer administrator of this site.


I had planned on moving this site under TNG but over the last couple of weeks of really studying on how to accomplish. I decided not to go that route but instead, convert this site into WordPress. There will be links on my TNG site to this one & links here to the TNG site.

If you want to learn more about CSS, there are many places to learn on the web. I would highly recommend sites such as:

A BIG THANKS TO MY HTML WEB HOST… I literally could not have had this site all these years without their generous help & consistent support.

This site was hosted on which provides quality free Web site hosting for genealogy HTML pages. This is a free service provided by Broad Lea, a company specializing in Web hosting for e-commerce. If you have been looking for a free ancestry-genealogy site, please contact them. They have been very helpful. God Bless you for all your help.

 Updated 15-Sep-2015

1. The URL for the now defunct site was