Sunday, February 23, 2025

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General Genealogy Mess Info

The Genealogy Mess I Let Happen

A key category on this site will be Organizing a Genealogy Mess because that is exactly what I have.

My Mess of a Desk.
© – All rights reserved.

About a year ago, I was excited to see an article in a well-known genealogy magazine showing a huge stack of boxes of inherited genealogy research. I so-o-o-o-o identified!

Not only did I have 13 years of my own research but I had just acquired my husband’s maternal line which took a pick-up truck piled high to bring home.

Hoping that the future articles would guide me in how to sort out my own mess, I waited with bated breath for that first article. The first article and those that followed did not deal with assisting a mess as I have. My personal perception after reading the articles — “okay, but what do I do FIRST!

And then a few months later I find the writer had dealt their ‘huge stack of boxes’ situation. The writer had “assistance”.

Discouragement. Frustration. No fairy godmother will be flying in to assist. The team of Me, Myself, and I will be Organizing [This] Genealogy Mess. 

I’ll write about what I’m doing. How I’m doing it. What works. What doesn’t.

I’ll even be brave to show you pictures as I go.  And just maybe this category will help someone else facing a similar situation.