Two Coffman Family Bibles with Begats
Recently my cousin Bill went through his mother’s trunk and found two family Bibles that contained birth, marriage & death dates. Two of them!!! The reason I’m so excited is in almost 20 years of family research I had yet to find a family Bible with ‘begats’ in them. I have my parents’ Bibles. I have my husbands’ family Bibles, some going back to the 1800s. And not a single birth, death, marriage listed. So yes, I’m excited!
Bill generously mailed a box to me and I am in the midst of scanning & cataloging everything in it. I will be sharing some of that data on this site. A second box is on its way full of family pictures.
A busy two weeks start tomorrow. I will try to post during that time but I can’t promise.
In Bill’s box, there was a picture of an unknown young woman. I’m hoping that I can identify her from a picture of the lady when she was older. There was a single word clue on the —Bell.
These boxes focused on the Coffman side of the family. If you are sure or think you are related to the Coffman-Dudley family, you should subscribe to my site. Just go to the bottom of any page on the site & subscribe by entering your email address. And no, I don’t share or sell my subscriber list. I hate it when that was done to me and I will not do it to others.