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Sinclair’s in Allegheny Co., PA around 1800

Last updated: April 13, 2019 6:15 pm

Genealogy Goal (Focus):

Find parents or siblings for James Blair SINCLAIR b. 15 MAR 1797 in Allegheny County, PA.

“Allegheny County was officially created on September 24, 1788, from parts of Washington and Westmoreland counties. It was formed due to pressure from settlers living in the area around Pittsburgh, which became the county seat in 1791. The county originally extended all the way north to the shores of Lake Erie and became the “mother county” for most of what is now northwestern Pennsylvania. By 1800, the county’s current borders were set.

In the 1790s, a whiskey excise tax was imposed by the United States federal government. This started the so-called Whiskey Rebellion when the farmers who depended on whiskey income refused to pay and drove off tax collector John Neville. After a series of demonstrations by farmers, President George Washington sent troops to stop the rebellion.”

The population in 1790 was 10,203.

Source: Allegheny County, Pennsylvania on Wikipedia


  • Died 4-Mar-1880 in Keosauqua, Van Buren County, Iowa.
  • Wife: Sarah McMAHAN (or McMAHON) b. 25 Sep 1796 in Rowan County, North Carolina. Unknown when or where they married.
  • First child, John Blair SINCLAIR, b. 6 Nov 1819 in that county.
  • Last child, Margaret H “Maggie” SINCLAIR, b. July 1833 in that county.
  • By 1850 he was living in Wayne, Columbiana County, Ohio.
  • Beginning date for Land Records: 1788.  *** LOOK IN LAND RECORDS.
  • Ancestry has Pennsylvania, Land Warrants and Applications, 1733-1952.
    • A William Sinclair (Ancestry.com $) applied for 100 acres in Washington County, PA 1784 — 13 years before “my” James B.’s birth. Washington County is just south of Pittsburgh. AND Allegheny wasn’t formed OUT OF Washington for another four years.
      • William (1760-1818) is a Jr. but was born in Scotland.
      • Father supposedly was William Sinclair (1735-1790); Mother, Mary Grandy (1738-    ). But I doubt that. How is Wm.Jr. born in Scotland but his father was born in Chester County, PA. *** LOOK IN 1790, 1800, 1810 CENSUSES.
    • A James Sinclair ($) is listed in the 1798 Donegal Township. The house was owned by a James Brownlee. House valued at $12 (or maybe that is the tax amount) on 260 acres. Total value: $1,018. Donegal Township is listed in this database as being in Greene, Washington, and Allegheny counties.
      • A William Sinclair is also in this same U.S. Direct Tax List for Pennsylvania in Chartiers which is not called a township but is within the same counties.
  • Beginning date for Probate Records: 1789. *** LOOK IN PROBATE RECORDS.
  • Marriage records began in 1885. Birth and Death records began in 1893.
  • Pittsburgh is in Allegheny County.
  • The surname listed in Census for James B. SINCLAIR was always with this spelling
  • Census:
    • 1830 Census — No James Sinclair in Allegheny County.


  • Middle name is believed to be Blair but I have also seen Blaine.
  • No idea where in the county he was born or where he lived.
  • No marriage date for James & Sarah.
  • May not have all the children. There could be children born after “Maggie”. If so, where?
  • When did he move to Ohio? Did he live someplace else in Ohio before Columbiana County?
  • Are the entries for the birthplaces of his children correct:
  • Did any of his children move with him? Who?
  • Did any of his children choose to stay in Allegheny County? Who?

Research in Progress:



  • A John Sinclair ($) born about 1760 arrived in Philadelphia in 1775 at age 15. Ship is not mentioned nor the departure port.
  • A Duncan Sinclair ($) born about 1765 arrived in Philadelphia in 1775 at age 10. Ship is not mentioned nor the departure port.

FindaGrave in Allegheny County died before 1800

I pulled the names below on 14-Oct-2015. The above link will bring up all Sinclair’s. More may have been added since my research. Even though Sinclair’s were Baptist back to the early 1800s, I am including the “incorporated” St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery.

Since I do now know if James was the oldest or youngest child, I’m including anyone born up to 1850. Of course, that would be more than unusual. Those with birth dates close to 1800 will be checked first. And I have had several ancestors live to 100. Ergo, I’m checking anyone with an unknown birth date and death date of 1950 or before.

Others with unknown birth & death dates buried elsewhere in the county. Unknown birth AND death dates sometimes indicate an old burial. These will not be checked until much later for obvious reasons.

Other Sinclair’s buried in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania ~ Cemetery information in the footer.



Name FAG ID# Birth Death Cemetery & Location Check More Check Results
Sinclair, Ann 140817153 unknown Jan. 19, 1895 Saint Mary Catholic Cemetery in Lawrenceville  No “family” data on FindaGrave.  A little data can be found on the Catholic Cemeteries Association Di0cese of Pittsburgh site. 
Sinclair, Anna 33813101 unknown 1855 Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh  No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair, Earl 119988340  unknown 1882 Prospect Cemetery in Brackenridge Some family data listed on Finagrave. Father was James McCullough Sinclair 119988478.
Prospect Cemetery is also known as “Tarentum burying ground”.
Sinclair, Edward P 33246675 Mar 9, 1881 Apr. 8, 1930 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport  No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair McKee, Elizabeth 88400005 May 7, 1771 Apr. 1, 1836 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport “The wife of (Samuel Sinclair) was Elizabeth, a daughter of Robert McKee, a native of Ireland, and a pioneer of Versailles township, whose father, Robert Mckee, built the first courthouse in Allegheny County on the site of the present market-house in Pittsburgh. ” History of Allegheny Co., p 884. In husband’s will she was called Betsey or Elizabeth.
— Husband listed as Samuel Sinclair.
Sinclair, Ella 119988369 unknown 1867 Prospect Cemetery in Brackenridge No gravestone. No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Prospect Cemetery is also known as “Tarentum burying ground”.
Sinclair, Ellen 33813073 unknown 1873 Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair, Elmer P B 33246676 8 Nov 1839 Aug. 9, 1876 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport xxx Image of gravestone on FindaGrave. Has a shield but does not appear to be military. Word underneath his name is “born”.
Sinclair, Eva L 33246677 unknown 13 Apr 1900 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair, H B 33248056 unknown
probably Aug. 1, 1815
Sep. 9, 1890 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport No “family” data on FindaGrave.
But may be Hiram B. Sinclair. See History of Allegheny Co., PA.
Sinclair, Hattie 119988391 unknown 1893 Prospect Cemetery in Brackenridge Some family data listed on Finagrave. Father was James McCullough Sinclair 119988478.
Prospect Cemetery is also known as “Tarentum burying ground”.
Sinclair, Henry 33813096 unknown 1875 Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair, Hilda J 91078956 unknown 1925 Homewood Cemetery in Pittsburgh No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair, Isabella 33246678 unknown Nov. 8, 1867 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair, John 119988432 unknown 1866 Prospect Cemetery in Brackenridge  Parents:  James McCullough Sinclair (1830 – 1907)
  Martha Andrews Sinclair (1836 – 1916). Given when his parents were born he either died at birth or when very young. No grave marker.
Prospect Cemetery is also known as “Tarentum burying ground”.
Sinclair, John C 33813075 unknown 1855 Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh No “family” data on FindaGrave.
140818001 unknown Apr. 21, 1932 Saint Mary Catholic Cemetery in Lawrenceville A search on the Catholic Cemeteries Association Di0cese of Pittsburgh site might provide more information.
Sinclair, James McCullough 119988478 Mar. 3, 1830 Jun. 24, 1907 Prospect Cemetery in Brackenridge Sons: John 119988432, Earl 119988340, Thomas 119988444
Daughters: Hattie 119988391, Mollie Sinclair Stull 119988527
Prospect Cemetery is also known as “Tarentum burying ground”.
Sinclair, John 119988432 unknown 1866 Prospect Cemetery in Brackenridge Father: James McCullough Sinclair 119988478
Prospect Cemetery is also known as “Tarentum burying ground”.
Sinclair, John Clifford 33813077 unknown Aug 20, 1924 Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh
Sinclair, John F 33246679 unknown Feb. 18, 1899 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair, Joseph 33813079 unknown 1929 Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh
Sinclair, Margaret J 33813081 unknown 1910 Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair, Martha Andrews 119988502 Aug 1836 Nov. 2, 1916 Prospect Cemetery in Brackenridge Wife of James McCullough Sinclair.
Prospect Cemetery is also known as “Tarentum burying ground”.
Phillips Sinclair, Mary Jane 54909437 Feb. 21, 1812 Aug. 10, 1892 Bethel Cemetery in Bethel Park Husband: David E Philips (1815 – 1852) Some family data listed.
Mary Julia McLean Sinclair 33813083 unknown May 24, 1854 Allegheny Cemetery in Pittsburgh Family data listed with husband, Rev. John Campbell Sinclair. Both were born & married in Scotland. Children listed (no dates). Of possible interest is a son, James John Sinclair. Source of data: Morrison, Leonard Allison. The History of the Sinclair Family in Europe and America. Boston, 1896. 367.
Sinclair, Robert 33813083 unknown Apr. 9, 1869 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair, Samuel 33246682 unknown
Possibly 1770, MD
Apr. 9, 1869 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Wife is Elizabeth McKee. In 1790 census in Allegheny Co.
3 – free white persons – males – 16 & over
2 – free white persons – females
2 – number of slaves
Will is on Ancestry.  Daughters: Jane Edmundson, Mary Peeples, Nancy E. Robison, Louisa Rose, Sarah Soles, Elizabeth Sinclair; Sons: Robert Sinclair, Pressley Sinclair, Hiram Sinclair.
Father was Samuel Sinclair Sr. Some history here A Genealogical and Biographical History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Soles Sinclair, Sarah Ann 33248115 25 Sep 1807 14 Feb 1859 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport No “family” data on FindaGrave. However, she is listed on xxx McKee’s will.
Sinclair, Sarah J 33248057 unknown Dec. 5, 1891 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair Kingsland, Susan L 33246683 Abt 1840 Apr. 2, 1890 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport Wife of John F.Sinclair and daughter of Cornelius Kingsland.
An image of the funeral announcement in Pittsburgh Dispatch newspaper is posted on her FindaGrave entry which provides the approximate year of birth, the name of husband and father.
Sinclair, Thomas 119988444 unknown 1865 Prospect Cemetery in Brackenridge Father was James McCullough Sinclair.
Prospect Cemetery is also known as “Tarentum burying ground”.
Sinclair, Thomas 33184149 Unknown 8 Sep 1903 McKeesport and Versailles… in McKeesport No “family” data on FindaGrave.
Sinclair, Lieut W H 140866124 unknown Feb. 16, 1866 Saint Mary Catholic Cemetery in Lawrenceville Civil War Veteran, Union Army: CO B, 4TH PA CAV
Stull, Mollie Sinclair 119988527 unknown 1895 Prospect Cemetery in Brackenridge Prospect Cemetery is also known as “Tarentum burying ground”.

Burials Found That Are No Longer in Consideration ~ and Why

Eight found buried in Jefferson Memorial Park Pleasant Hills with unknown birth and death dates. This cemetery’s first burial wasn’t until November of 1930.

Others removed from consideration:

  • Sinclair, Nancy J buried in Melrose Cemetery in Bridgeville. The cemetery may not have been called that at first. I found only one site that said it was first used as a cemetery in 1906. However, there are graves there (according to Melrose on Rootsweb) with death of person in 1832. There is an earlier death (1821) but this person had been re-interred here. The Rootsweb source also had: Sinclair, Nancy J., no dates, Married 12-9-1950, same stone as Harry J. Sinclair, [Section – 6]”. A check of Harry’s info found b. 3/12/1930 d. 1-30-2001.
  • 96757808 buried in Church Hill Cemetery in Wilkins Township.  Once the FAG page was viewed, the picture of the grave has two names: James (1948-2009) and James Jr. (1977-1999).

No Sinclair, St. Clair, Sincleer Found in the Following:

  • Family Biographies from The History of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (1889) published by A. Warner & Co. are available free on the My Genealogy Hound website.
  • Memoirs of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Personal and Genealogical. Vol. 1. Madison, Wis.: Northwestern Historical Association, 1904. Digital version at FamilySearch Books Online – free.
  • Chasing The Frontier: Scots – Irish in Early America, by Larry J. Hoefling published by iUniverse, 2005. Softcover.

Church Hill Cemetery has existed since the early 1800s and is in Wilkins Township.

St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery in Lawrenceville. This cemetery was incorporated in 1849 combining two other cemeteries. A check of St. Mary’s on Rootsweb found the earliest known burial to be 1851.

I’ll be adding the other cemetery’s information here in alphabetical order as I work with the above.

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If you believe you are related to James B. Sinclair, please contact me privately via the Family Contact Me page.

Last updated: April 13, 2019 6:15 pm

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