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Description |
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101 |
 | Charles Reuben Powers 1853-1925 Waterloo Jefferson Co WI to Owen Clark Co WI
Date: 1925
Place: Owen, Clark County, Wisconsin
102 |
 | Claren Ruth Zoch Dunk
Date: 1940-2013
Place: Winchester, Fayette, Texas
103 |
 | Conrath_Peter_Elizabeth
Place: Elmwood Cemetery
104 |
 | Cousins, George (11 years), Evelyn (4 years), and Herb (11 years). 1907
Date: 1917
Place: Sioux Falls, South Dakota
105 |
 | Crutches in Trousseau, Ron & Merlaine
Date: 1 Jul 1964
Place: Oakland, California
106 |
 | Dayma Jones & Friend
107 |
 | Dayma Jones & Friend
108 |
 | DaymaRuthPeach'sHeadstone
109 |
 | Death Certificate Archibald L Foster
110 |
 | Death Certificate Mary L Foster widow of Arch
111 |
 | Death?
Date: 1988
Place: written by Nancy R Nulisch
112 |
 | DollyConrathObit_12Aug1949
113 |
 | Dowry Trunk Brought From Germany
Date: 1859
114 |
 | Dunk Claren Ruth - Robert
115 |
 | Dunk Robert A
116 |
 | Dunk Robert Raymond 12-6-31 - 1-7-2013
117 |
 | Dunk Robert-Claren Ruth
118 |
 | dunn series 51 case file 2484, 2485, 2486 Moses B Powers - Stone Mason
Date: 27 Nov 1886
Place: Menomonie, Dunn Co., Wisconsin
119 |
 | Edith Powers Hansman Madden Obit.
Date: 8 Sep 1944
Place: Los Angeles, California
120 |
 | Edith see Shakespeare & was going to be witness at trial of John Wolf.
Date: 16 Dec 1909
Place: Kingman, Kansas
121 |
 | Eldor and Clara Zoch - March 1987
122 |
 | Eldred Otto Mertink & Clara Alma Mitschke Zoch
Date: 1912-2003 & 1908-1997
Place: Winchester, Fayette, Texas
123 |
 | Ella Woodbury Obit
124 |
 | Ella Woodbury Obit
125 |
 | Elliot Rutherford Foster
Place: Wise County, Texas USA
126 |
 | Elmer A Ratzlaff, 1941
127 |
 | Emil and Anna Zimmerman
Date: 5/5/14 4:37:27 PM
128 |
 | Emil and Anna Zimmerman
129 |
 | Emilie Helen Augusta Hansmann Birdsell Headstone
Place: Pretty Prairie, Reno, Kansas, United States
130 |
 | Emma Heptner 1917
131 |
 | Emma Heptner 1917
Date: 1/30/14 10:35:11 AM
132 |
 | Emma Heptner headstone
Date: 2/20/14 4:13:59 PM
133 |
 | Engisn Joseph Morse gravestone Will be deleted but need to check vs other headstone image.
134 |
 | Ernest Gustav Jaehne - Texas Death Certificate - 16 Nov 1930
Date: 16 Nov 1930
Place: Austin, Travis, Texas, USA
135 |
 | Even Kansas City paper had marriage announcement
Date: 17 Sep 1907
Place: Kansas City, Kansas
136 |
 | Everette E. Buhler
137 |
 | Fast Buhler, Maggie 1936
Date: 1936
Place: Moundridge, Harvey, KS
138 |
 | Fast family 1911
139 |
 | Find A Grave Info
Place: Find A Grave
140 |
 | Freeberg Lumber Co
Date: 6 Jun 1895
Place: St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America
141 |
 | from Bethel Town Records online
142 |
 | George Rinder, Herbert Freese, and Harold Rohde, cousins abt.1904
Date: abt. 1904
Place: Sioux Falls, South Dakota
143 |
 | George Woodbury obit PittsburgDaily 9.5.1907
144 |
 | George, Herb and Evelyn Freese, Harold Rohde 417 S. Prairie Avenue abt. 1900
Date: abt. 1900
Place: Sioux Falls, South Dakota
145 |
 | George, Herb and Evelyn Freese, Harold Rohde 417 S. Prairie Avenue abt. 1900
Date: abt. 1900
Place: Sioux Falls, South Dakota
146 |
 | Gertrude Smith HS
147 |
 | Glenn L. Myers Obituary
Date: Nov 1937
Place: Columbus, Ohio
148 |
 | Gotthilf Pietsch headstone
149 |
 | Grave Memorial
Date: 1969
Place: Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery
150 |
 | Great Britain, Atlas and Index of Parish Registers Great map but not sure who would be associated with it. For time being, Keep.